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The Power of now | Brief Summary:

This book ‘ The Power of Now ’ is on the opposite end of the spectrum to the ‘Monk who sold his Ferrari’ in terms of its readability/simplicity but yet it has a profound impact. I nave read this book several times, chapter by chapter, and every time I read this book, I absorbed a bit more of Eckhart Tolle’s teaching.

The Power of Now gives a fascinating insight into the untapped capacity each of us has within. We sometimes get insights into our own hidden depths and we put it down to coincidence or something we can’t explain. This book is useful to get a different perspective on how the human mind works and how to get more enjoyment out of life by focusing on what is really important.

The teachings are quite similar to Buddhism, but Eckhart is very good at explaining these sometimes complex concepts so that you can relate to them more easily and bring them into your day-to-day life.
Without trying to explain the whole book in one fell swoop, it is safe to say that the Eckhart Tolle has a lot of wisdom to impart on understanding yourself and how this self-realisation will create a stronger, happier, more empathetic, more creative version of you.

Please try this experiment by Eckhart Tolle I very much enjoyed it:

Try a little experiment. Close your eyes and say to yourself: “I wonder what my next thought is going to be.” Then become very alert and wait for the next thought. Be like a cat watching a mouse hole. What thought is going to come out of the mouse hole? Try it now.

Please share your thoughts/view on this book.

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